May 21, 2010

Fun Photography

Fresh Home-made Story by Faz Zulkifli

I was feeling bored and these crossed my mind, so...I started pressing the buttons of my camera ikut suke ati :p Zati started these, then Kal followed, now, me! Haha. The rule : You just have to play with the shutter speed & aperture :] The results : 

 Well, quite clumsy for my first time ;[

Light source : Torchlight :]
First2, using light from my mobile phone ;p And first try..adoyaii, it was like..huh? Haha.

The left picture, before 'pro' ;p I don't even know what I wrote +_+

To those who doesn't have their names, don't be disappointed! I wish I can capture all your names especially the bloggers - Seb, Hanan, Mayah, Yan, Man, Lily, Syaf, Erna, Nash, Syaza, Hanum, Shakira, Zati (sifu), Yana, Zfah, Kal & etc :] But, doing these is tiring! It prompted sweat! Even so..its better than just sit and sneeze ( I'm sick :[ ) At least, the blow from my nose didn't come out often, haha!

P/S : Ignore my improper pose ;p

13 busy bodies:

Stylo Gila !

Mohd Haikal said...

dasyat laaaaa.

Sumayyah said...

speechless! how did u do those things? i dont get it! using torchlight? then? pusing2 using ur hands? what a WOAHHHH!!!xD
do we have to use SLR? what if,, digital camera biasa? cannot eh?hohoh. jealous membuak2!urghh. zati 'afifah?

hanie said...

ngahahaha. smart ahhh faz! yeayy! nama aku ade! sayangg ko. hehehee. cehhh, ko wat aku jelesss ngan dslr ko. heeeee

irarwww said...

hahaha nama aku paling panjang. yeayyy!
aq dh main main bnde ni since sekulah rendah lg haha. pki bunga api! :)

Faz Zulkifli said...

nash ; alwayz stylee

kal ; kau buat aku nk gelak, haha! kau pon terer wat bnde ni :p

mayah ; doesn't matter what type of camera.
asalkan camera tu ade function bole adjust shutter ngn aperture. try explore ur cam ;]
decrease shutter speed, increase the aperture

aqie ; bwekk! ;p kau sentiase jeles ngn aku, haha!

syiera ; spoil la, bru nk tunjuk hebat, haha!

Lilylee said...

aku mana? make one for me! nak jugakkk! haha. yang terbaek punya :DD

Faz Zulkifli said...

ok lily! no prob. :]

LENSkami said...

yeah seperti aku ckp, xpayah gune DSLR pn.

faz: lalalawaaa! :p
ececeh smakin handal :DD

Lilylee said...

nnty dh ade, bgtaw aku tawww~!! haha. hanum ade blog gak ke? gimme the link! :D

Faz Zulkifli said...

zati ; mu lagi handal! XD

lily ; ok2, aku upload fb, haha! nie hanum's :
aminah pon :

Nur Azieefah said...

WOWWWW, Nice try lah syg(:
Minta lah si Ejat tu ajar kan.
Faz baru beli eh??

Faz Zulkifli said...

zfah ; syg? haha tq :]
ejat aja care melmbtkn camera shoot. yg len xplore sndri lg bes ;p
beli mse awal may..hehe..zfah pon nk beli an..jgn jelezz, haha