Mar 26, 2010

De Last Reunion (BBQ)

Fresh Home-made Story by Faz Zulkifli

Date : 25 March 10

From last Saturday to this Saturday then to this Friday and lastly it has been decided to be held on this Thursday. Aiyo XD

Want to know why?
Last Saturday 'balik kampung' season. This Saturday, PLKN blast-off. Then this Friday, Teacher Nik has to work. So.. Thursdayla.

The BBQ was a gathering of ex-5 Sigma 09.. AGAIN! ;p Our money just won’t run out. Murah rezeki :] Start with preparation. After Subuh prayer, just took a few sip of Dutch Lady Strawberry milk, went to the porch then start cleaning. With my leak pipe, I washed and scrubbed the floor. Done at 10.00 a.m. Tired, I went on driving just for fun.

Back home, culinary art time! The tissues, the tables.. Then again, washing and scrubbing the tables and the chairs. Then, vacuum the 'ground floor' of my house :]

Next supposed to be squids pick-up at Aiman's. Already in car but then looked at the oil-meter...its nearly empty. HAHAHA! Masa bawak sesaje sumpah x tgk. If I fill up the oil, my money (no way!) and my schedule wouldn't make it. So called Aiman, told her that I will do the squids marinade part when she arrives.

At 5.00 p.m, waiting for BBQ team that haven't haven't arrived. 6.00 p.m, Puteri, Syiera and Syaf arrival. Make drinks, prepared the sousages and karoake. At first, seriously I was very scared bcoz it was raining quite heavily. But alhamdulillah at night the rain has cooled down. Serius cuak.

Then the night arrived!!! And the theme was white in colour. Pu3 and Syaza broke the rule! All I can say is, it was quite enjoyable. But cant talk to everyone much. Sad.. Have to do this and that. Running here and there. But still fantastic. The karaoke part mostly. Bad Romance! Yeay! Haha.

Lastly, around 11.00 p.m I ate a bit. Relax myself inside my house at the parlour. Funny! I played a prank on Teacher Nik 2nd daughter. Here is the conversation : 

Sabrina : Who is the owner of this house?

At that time only me, Faidza and Lily were at the parlour.

Me : Akak ni.. (while my hand pointing at Faidza)

Lily and Faidza started grinning wildly. I can’t believe she actually believed it. Bcoz Faidza only came last year at my open house but Sabrina didnt come last year. She came the last last year. I asked again.

Me : Have you ever came to this house?

She nodded.

Me : So did you see this fellow? (pointing at Faidza)

She nodded too! Then Lily who has been laughing asked.

Lily : The day you came to this house, did you see this sister? (pointing at me)

Sabrina : Nope.

Then burst of laughing from us three!

Just want to share 'one of' my prank on that day. Haha.

To Sigmarians, sorry if it was imperfect and if I hurted your feelings. Sorry if there's something that makes you feel uncomfortable at my house. Sorry if my house is just too far and too hard to reach. Sorry if it was not smoothly planned. Sorry if I troubled you guys too much. Sorry if the facilities are bad. And sorry for everything that I haven't stated. Sorry if I'm not a great leader and not responsible. From the bottom of my heart <3

Tq for willing to come :]

Sousages + Potatoes + Spread the words : Syahira Suhaimi
Drinks + Spread the words : Puteri Izzah Hanisah
Spread the words : Muhd Hafiz
Spread the words : Afiq Zulkarnain
Lamb + Chicken + Squid : Noor Aiman & Farahin
Prawn : Nur Izyan Nazihah
Dessert : Jannah & Shakira & Farahin
Karaoke : Nur Syafiqah
BBQ team : Azzam . Alip . Afifi . Zharif
Volunteer : Wan Mohd Nashrin

Thank you SO MUCH. Sorry, no money left. But insyaAllah I'll treat all of you. At my work place. Haha!

The End Of Reunion.

12 busy bodies:

irarwww said...

u'll treat me at ur workplace? yeayyy, nk chicken chop eh!
then pesan kt tokei kau, ble nk bli blender utk ice blended weh? dh sebln kot aq tggu ice blnded still tade :(

btw, nahh, evrything goes smoothly la. alhamdulillah. it was perfect! except for nyamuk part. asik2 gigit aq hehe.
yeah yeah enjoy bad romance! haha and and wey ktorg smpi 5.45 la. not 6oclock! :P

pnat gle ouhh ak time bbq uh.pas amek test jpj,kol 6 stngah blek umah.rushing gle solat asar sbb zatie kate nk amek ak kol ak da kuar umah da tnggu die.kol 7.20 bru diorg dtng.haa.not to mention alep ngan azam tnggu dpn umah ak berjam jam n call ak xdpt(sbb time tuh ak ngah test jpj,fon off).huhuu.plng bes time ak bwk kete auto fes time.ak ingt dak2 pompuan kt blkng berat.pastuh bru kantoi xlepas handbreak.hahha!

nooraiman said...

yay! aku pun x sabar nak faz belanja! this is a promise faz.;DD

Faz Zulkifli said...

aiman; oh sure xde hal
aku dpt 20% discount nway. hehe.
2 hr bln dpt gaji :]
nnt aku update r
malam boley x korg?

syiera; chicken chop mahal doe! 12.00!
kalo sesetgh org je minx xpe
kalo sume beratus gak aku kene bayar ;p

nash; aku x phm korg tggu sape n sape tunggu korg. yg aku tau bdk VVIP lmbt ;p

haa.dak2 laki tnggu ak smpai give up.ak tnggu dak2 pompuan tp ak xgive up.phm?

Faz Zulkifli said...

tibe2 aku ter p k
knp aku kene blanja?
aku sposor umah n kene clean up korg nye mess
lg pon nie kelas punye bkn mine ;p

patot org yg x tlg sponsor kite!
tapi duit kelas abes.. haha.

Mohd Syafiq said...

I'm gettin jelous bout ur class reunion.......
klau dak klass aku tuh ....huh...
jgn harap...mcm2 alasan arh...

Faz Zulkifli said...

eh syafiq!
x penah2 bg komen,haha

rilex je aku rse bdk kelas korg
kte happening..kalau bab reunion, wat kecoh xkn xleh kot.. ;p

hewy said...

haha xpe faz. pape pun bbq kali ni mmg best.
awal gile ko start keje. aku pukul 5.30pm baru start basuh udang hahaha dah la lepas tu datang lambat :D dah kate VVVVVVVIP an ;)

Faz Zulkifli said...

yerrr lah tue...VVVIP as in very very very indiscipline person,haha joking2 ;p
mmg r kene start awal..
tuan umah r katakan..
lg pon keje kau pe je, ekelleh ;p

hewy said...

hahah keje ak same susah tp sikit senang drpd ko faz hahaa

Faz Zulkifli said...

maksud dye same je kan T_T apela..haha