Apr 10, 2010

1st Interview :(

Fresh Home-made Story by Faz Zulkifli

Guys.., today is my UiTM Bach. of Science (Architecture) interview. So called my very first interview in my whole life. And this is the spotlight I'm talking about. But frankly speaking, I didn't steal the spotlight in front of the interviewers (there were two of them). But I do stole some from my new friends ;p They said I can do it and support me! One of them said that I'm the biggest threat, haha! Whatever happened, I still did the interview and this is the story.. :]

Of coz start with driving. While driving, my dad explained the route from Putrajaya to Shah Alam. I had a thought in mind 'Abahh.. I dont wanna know,haha. If u want to explain, explain the way to KLCC / Lembah Keramat (my hometown) so I can hang out with my old friends ^-^ Haha!' But then my dad said, 'You have to get used to this road, easy to come and go in the future'. Ooo..so abah already imagined me further my study at UiTM Shah Alam, haha.

When I arrived, I can see why there are stories about architecture students didn't sleep at their dormitories and sleep at the art studio instead. Because..Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying is so far far far away than the other faculties and there are a lot of stairs! XP Makin kurus aku kalau dpt UiTM, haha. 

After registration, they gave turn numbers for the interview. I got 19! Yeah I'm one of the early birds ;] Next, the candidates have to went through Drawing Exam. They just arranged a few building blocks (kid's toy). Easy la to draw but don't know how they judge ;p I drew a big one! Haha. Full page ok ;] No ruler too.

While waiting to be called for interview, I don't know her name but she sat beside me. So, chatting2 a lot! Until this one girl introduced herself to the girl that sat beside me. Then the one sitting next to me replied the other girl with, 'You can call me Syiera' Haha! I met Syiera the 2nd ;p Just yesterday Syiera text-ed me about studying at the same U. Yeah, I always forgot to ask peoples' names -.-

Then, the most fearful part, the interview. I was quite relax and chill though AT FIRST. But once I'm in front of the interviewers, ehyqomnpcax..?

What is an architect?
(Ok I can answer this) Its about drawing, art, design and a lil bit of science (Then blank) Err, they draw buildings..structures.. (Arghh relax! Speak slow2)

Why do you want to be an architect?
I have passion in it. And talent. (Then I was talking craps a lot)

Tell more about yourself?
(I was thinking what I should say, I can't say I love sleeping nor love karaoke'ing', haha) Then the interviewer started the topic. I've failed again ;[

What do you know about KLCC?
I was talking craps again XP

But luckily I still had my sense of humor even though I was really stuttered (tergagap-gagap!)

If you want to know, studying architecture is tougher than medic. Medic is totally different.
I said 'poyo'ly 'Its ok! The more difficult, the more I likee ;p' And they laughed!

You will have to study 6 years and you will be faced with a lot of frustrations
I'm ready!

What is your mom's occupation?
She's a secondary school teacher.

Oh, so she must've asked you to go to extra classes a lot to get this kind of result.
I didn't attend any tuition nor any extra classes. I said it proudly

You didn't go tuition???
No. I said it MORE PROUDLY! Haha.

That's how everything ended. If I could be more relax and not being too impetuous. I really can answer that simple questions. Eventhough I'm not nervous but I'm too egois trying to be the best. Serve you right. However I had fun to know how interview looks like. And I hope I will know how to control myself in the future ;] 

The End. To Aisya, haha, I was hoping to know how your interview goes, but mine came first :] To Mint & Syaza, wish we'll get through! To others, I hope I gave you a few lessons ;p

8 busy bodies:

Anonymous said...

bia betik archi lg susah dr medic ? perghh .
kalo byk buat interviewer gelak comfirm dpt la tu haha . TAHNIAH !
xjumpe min ke ?
kalau interview session aku menyedihkan no story for you orait ~

irarwww said...

hehehe u met me there? clone aq tuh haha :P
wahhh, evrything goes smoothly lah. best best! congrats! ko dh went through it! with success :)

Faz Zulkifli said...

aku jumpe mint mase tunggu interview ;]
die br smpi, br nak amek ujian lukis2..
dlm surat, aku kol 8.30 die 10.30

ala..cte jela..aku sedih2 pon cte what.. o.0

haha mmg aku nk gelak gile2 tyme tau nme die
smooth? ya Allah..rse cam bgg gile..x tau nk ltk muke katne.. X[
cte blog x dpt gmbrkan teruknye aku

jgn rsau ah faz .

kaw kn gempak .

mst dpt nye ah .

amin .

Faz Zulkifli said...

gempaklaa sgtt ;p
amin. -.-

hewy said...

uhh aa lek ah faz. insyaallah ko dpt nye.
err poyo gile yg prt confiden tu hahaha diego mmg, kuat perasan :P

sabrina said...

aku punya x da interview pon ooo..
aku amek comp science...
btw, sesuai gak ko amek architecture..
ko kan suka lukis animae2 ni kan// hahaha..
i stil remember tau.. sweet kan? hahaha ;)
one more thing, lagu ni mcm menarik.. gila banyak fuck! haha :D

Faz Zulkifli said...

izyan; tiru gaya ku, hahaha
bile da x dpt jwb n buntu..kepoyoan sgt membantu ;p

sab!; uitm gak ea? comp sc? la..x medic..haha. xpe2 aku x nmpk sgt ciri2 medic kt kau, lol
kan2! aku seswai an, haha. bdk2 lmbh keramat sume tau ;p tapi kt cni sume ckp rugi je sc subjects XP
yes! best song! karaoke lagu nie waktu tgh bengang ^^,